Volunteering with Upper Thames

The Upper Thames branch of Butterfly Conservation is run entirely by volunteers - people like you! Can you help us?

These are some of the reasons why people might volunteer with us:

  • to meet people with similar interests
  • to learn more about lepidoptera and their habitats
  • to gain skills and experience
  • to get out and socialise

There are many opportunities available, including joining conservation work parties, helping with reserve management at Holtspur Bottom, leading guided walks, recording and surveying, helping at events, and even joining the branch committee. You do not have to commit to hours every week; most roles only require a few hours a month, or even a year! Don't worry if you haven't got the skills or experience required, as free training and support are available for many roles.

If you would like to volunteer, or you have a skill which you think might be useful, please contact at

Anyone having problems registering or using BC's new volunteer system "Assemble" can contact at the above address.

Current volunteering opportunities in the Upper Thames branch:
Work party

Guided walk

Butterfly Conservation: Volunteering Find your volunteering opportunity